Tuesday 2 August 2011


Juliusz Komorek of 11 Thornleigh Road,Applewood Village,Swords.Ireland..
Komorek is 33 years old. He joined Ryanair in 2004; after he "previously gained relevant experience in the European Commission and the Polish Embassy to the EU in Brussels". When he joined Ryanair, he was 26.

So at the age of 26, he already had two law degrees and previous "relevant" experience in EU Commission and Polish Embassy.
In Poland you do your degree when you are 24 or 25 (at the earliest); because you start your studies when you are 19 or 20. It takes 5 years to do your masters.

These numbers do not add up. A child prodigy?

In 2007 he became Deputy Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs. So he was 29. That position is not reachable for Irish lawyers with years of experience. So why him?

I think his European Commission and the Polish Embassy to the EU in Brussels experience ,was a way for many European,mostly Polish students getting exploited by Ryanair.Komorek is also secretary for O'Leary's business's.

Juliusz Komore z Ryanair oszukuje polskich obywateli. Jest on cudownym dzieckiem czy wykorzytywaczem?
Juliusz Komorek of 11 Thornleigh Road,Applewood Village,Swords.Ireland..
Komorek ma 33 lata. Dolaczyl do Ryanair w 2004 a wczesniej zdobyl doswiadczenie w Komisji UE i w polskiej Ambasadzie. W Polsce konczy sie studia kiedy jest ma sie okolo 24-25 lat bo zaczyna sie studiowac w wieku 19- 20 lat i studia magisterskie trwaja 5 lat.

Te liczby nie zgadzja sie. Cudowne dziecko?
W 2007 zostal dyektorem LEgal & Regulatory affairs. Wiec mial 29 lat. Ta pozycja jest nie do zdobycia dla irlandzkich prawnikow z latami doswiadczenia. Wiec dlaczego on???

Mysle, ze jego doswiadczenie w Europejskiej Komisji i Ambasadzie w Brukseli byla droga dla wielu polskich studentow do zostania wyeksploatowanym przez Ryanair. Komorek jest takze sekretarzem OLeary - ego i jego biznesu.

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