Sunday 12 June 2011


I protest to stand up against Bullies like Ryanair Management...
Disrespectful,Ryanair show this action each and every day to their crew...Depression and Stress amongst Ryanair Crew is the highest in Europe if not the world....The reason for this is PROFIT...Ryanair make more profit on their own Crew than they make on any flight ticket sold......
1 passenger, 2 hour flight
Government subsidy,Flight Ticket,Coffee on board,...40 Euro profit to Ryanair....

1 Pilot, Brookfield Contract,2 hour flight
..40 Euro per hour (80 Euro Profit) extra charged by Brookfield to Ryanair....(that is why Ryanair use third party)
Coffee on board 2.50 Euro.(yes pilots pay for coffee same as passengers) 82.50 Euro profit to Ryanair...
Pilot's are Exploited BIG time at Ryanair,as many are in depression as a direct result of Ryanair treatment...
As many will tell,Ryanair want Pilots and Cabin Crew to fail....Failure Brings big profits to Ryanair...
These failure are put in place by O'Leary and his Management team as many excellent Crew have been Terminated wrongly.....People say,it is only a hard company to work for,work hard and you will succeed,
this is a lie...Ryanair put PROFIT before human life on a daily bases....Safety of passengers and Crew are not PRIORITY......Fear of loosing your job,keeps so many in place.....In simple terms, BULLY Tactics is the Ryanair way....Tony Owen,head of training only did what Bonderman and O'Leary told him to do.....
David Bonderman TPG Capital and Michael O'Leary have wrecked so many Pilot's and Cabin Crew's Lives and they must be stopped.....
Information posted about Paul Ridgard (Real Important Pilot) R.I.P, is not speculating,The actions of Ryanair
need to be told and Ryanair held accountable...Brushing it under the carpet is not the way to the truth,Pilot's have a voice not only for themselves but for their colleagues too....Brookfield Aviation Contracts,ARE A SHAM....Profit for Bonderman TPGcapital.. and O'Leary's POCKETS......
SHAME ON YOU ALL.........................

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